Desiccant method
The cargo to be packed is welded into a water vapor-tight barrier layer with the addition of desiccant (quantity according to DIN 55473). Then the air in the shell is extracted. The humidity of the remaining air in the interior of the packaging is then reduced by the desiccant and produces a uniform dehydration over the specified period of time, depending on the amount of the agent used.
As barrier layer material is used:
- Polyethylene film, thickness of 200 microns for a delivery and storage time of up to 12 months
- Aluminium composite film for a longer delivery and storage time as well as for shipping to areas with extreme sub-zero temperatures or for storage in the open air
When loading cargo, it makes sense to adapt the protective foils to the storage conditions. This allows color changes (e.g. due to UV radiation) to be avoided.
VCI Method
VCI active ingredients are corrosion protection molecules that exhibit a noticeable vapour pressure even at low temperatures and thus envelop the cargo to be protected with a seamless and sustainable protective gas.
VCI can be applied to the surfaces to be protected in the form of powder, spray, oil, paper or foil or hammered with you. This process does not remove the corrosive media, but neutralizes them by a chemical reaction. Care must be taken to ensure that the metal surfaces are absolutely grease-free and that the outer atmosphere is blocked off by a barrier layer cover in which the saturation vapour pressure of the VCI agent can be maintained.
Protective layer method
Blank parts of the cargo to be packed can be sprayed or pinned immediately after cleaning and drying with a uniform protective layer of an appropriate anti-corrosion agent.
Dust and splash protection
Blank parts of the cargo to be packed can be sprayed or pinned immediately after cleaning and drying with a uniform protective layer of an appropriate anti-corrosion agent.